Jeff Budke, 25, is the new Athletic Director at the Ballard Boys and Girls Club and has plans to offer new sports activities this summer.
In the Ballard Boys and Girls Club building, past the classrooms where laughing children are seated in a circle, past finger paintings on the walls, there is an office that houses the club’s new athletic director, Jeff Budke.
The Ballard News-Tribune visited Budke one afternoon. He was on “printer duty” and managed to fix the thing just as this reporter showed up for the interview. Budke is all smiles and eager to meet a new face. There’s an inspirational quote from Margerett Mead on the chalkboard that reads, “Always remember that you are absolutely unique just like everybody else.” Budke chose the quote and laughed at its mention. His ironic humor and jovial nature lend to his new role working with kids. What’s more is his experience in athletics and eagerness to branch out leave one to anticipate exciting new things happening at the Boys and Girls Club.
Budke, 25, has always loved sports. He grew up playing basketball and tennis in Sandy, Oreg., near Mount Hood. He said he played sports as a way to meet new people and for an outlet from the ups and downs of childhood.
“It’s a small town and the highway goes right through it so people have to go through Sandy. On a Friday night the whole town would shut down and come to the game, and Ballard kind of has that small town feel. It reminds me of where I grew up,” said Budke
But Budke’s love of sports didn’t end in his youth. While studying theology at Seattle Pacific University, Budke’s passion for sport led him to coaching Ballard High School junior varsity basketball and assisting varsity coaching for the last five years. He also worked with the Boys and Girls Club’s after school programs.
In 2010 Budke graduated from Seattle Pacific University with a degree in Theology. He said being involved with BHS and the club, while living in the area made him feel like a member of the Ballard community. When he heard about the opening for Athletic Director position at the club he said he knew he had to apply.
Budke was hired last October. As Athletic Director he oversees the athletic programs, leagues and afterschool activities.
“When this position opened up I jumped all over it because it’s really an amazing opportunity to be entrenched in the community. … Now working the job I have and with the high school, I can’t go anywhere without running into someone I know, and I don’t think there are a lot of places that are like that.”
In sports there are winners and losers, however, the club values how one plays the game. These are the lessons Budke wants to instill in kids. He said the club’s leagues and programs are less about being competitive and more about learning valuable life skills--not to mention having fun doing it.
“It’s about having a coach that cares about you and who will talk you through learning something new. It’s not competitive. But it was like this way before I got here, I’m just glad to be a part of it.”
One life skill Budke believes is inherent in sports and is important for youngster to learn is teamwork.
“In your life you are going to be put in a position where you have to work with another person, and I look around at people my age and I know that it’s difficult for some of them, so it makes me wonder if those skills can be learned early on.”
Indeed. Budke said that his favorite part of the job is providing new activities and a place for kids to be introduced to new experiences and other people. He said he looks forward to receiving emails from parents who are worried about their child learning a new sport with unfamiliar faces.
“I encourage parents and kids to just try it and see if they like it – see if they make new friends from other schools. Most of the time it’s a positive outcome for kids. And maybe trying something new and meeting others will open doors to other things like taking a class they never considered taking that leads to a future passion or career.”
Budke hopes to start new programs like lacrosse or rugby so that the Boys and Girls Club can offer a variety of activities to children with different athletic interests. In addition, the club is offering girls volleyball as a new activity this year. The league starts in the spring (April through May). In addition, girl’s basketball started last year and has almost twice as many kids. This year 110 girls are playing. Soccer will also be offered for younger children as well.
“For the kids that want to be active, we try to provide as many activities as possible.”
At the back of it, before the learned sportsmanship and cooperation---before the home runs, goals and touchdowns---Budke believes sports encompass something much more than spectacle and the chance to learn life skills. He says sports give people hope.
“Sports give you a reason to believe. I know in the grand scheme of things they are games. But, they give you something to believe in, even if it’s for a moment.”