Seattle Empty Bowls fundraiser set for April 25 at Nordic Heritage Museum
Tue, 03/31/2015
Join Seattle Empty Bowls for this beloved Spring event on Saturday, April 25th at the Nordic Heritage Museum (3014 NW 67th Street) in Ballard from 4 p.m. –7 p.m. All proceeds will benefit the Ballard Food Bank.
Seattle Empty Bowls is a fundraiser with artisan flair and a big heart for community! Local artists craft bowls of various materials, shapes, sizes, and textures specifically with this event in mind, donating their time, energy and materials. Empty Bowls attendees choose a bowl, and can have their bowl filled with a soup of their choice (suggested donation is $20 for the bowl, soup and bread with a few higher priced exceptions). The bowl is yours to take home. Most of the bowls will be ceramic, but Seattle Empty Bowls is unique because of the involvement of local woodturners. The Seattle Woodturners a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners will be donating over 50 wooden bowls. Soups, including vegan options, will be provided by Ballard Market and artisan bread will be on hand from Tall Grass Bakery. Coffee and tea will be served up by Ballard’s own Caffe Umbria. Enjoy the soup and your new bowl alongside community members while enjoying entertainment throughout the evening. Care to make a bid? A silent auction table of specialty bowls will be available too.
Last year, Seattle Empty Bowls held an Ice Cream Social in lieu of the springtime soup and bread event. Ice cream from Full Tilt was on hand along with ice cream toppings galore. $2,000 was raised to benefit the Ballard Food Bank from this event.
Want to volunteer? Contact Andrea at to help out in the kitchen, with the silent auction on specialty bowls, and with clean up.