City to Discuss Ballard Transportation and Urban Design Improvements
Thu, 04/30/2015
In response to ongoing development, the community’s desire to retain Ballard’s character, and Sound Transit’s planning for light rail to Ballard, Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and Department of Transportation (SDOT) are working with neighborhood groups and non-profits, organized as the Ballard Partnership for Smart Growth. This meeting is an opportunity to review recommendations for shaping growth in the Ballard Business District and to explore transportation issues.
The collaboration will develop an Urban Design Framework (UDF) and a multimodal transportation plan called Move Ballard that will articulate a shared vision to guide future development and transportation investment while ensuring Ballard’s people and places thrive. Through Move Ballard, we will engage community members to recommend innovative solutions for enhancing the transportation environment for all, regardless of how they travel to and through the area. The City and Ballard Partnership for Smart Growth are holding an open house on May 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Leif Erikson Lodge to:
Receive comments on the draft recommendations to better guide development
Identify and prioritize near-term improvements for all forms of transportation in the Ballard Hub Urban Village
Evaluate and prioritize potential future high capacity transit (e.g. light rail, streetcar) station locations while preserving and supporting industrial and commercial employment in Ballard.
Tell us what you think about the future of transportation and growth in Ballard. Here’s how you can provide your feedback:
Ø Attend the Community Meeting
May 7, 6p.m. - 8p.m.
Large Hall (2nd floor), Leif Erikson Lodge, 2245 NW 57th Street
(Light snacks will be provided)
Ø Respond to an on-line questionnaire soliciting opinions on transportation projects
At the first meeting held a year ago, we heard that the community loves Ballard’s historic qualities and its tradition of industry. Many appreciate the growth of shops and restaurants in a beautiful, walkable neighborhood. However, they are also concerned that a number of recent high-density projects being built in the area do not contributing to Ballard’s character. There are also worries about affordability and that transportation improvements have not kept pace with growth.
The City then worked with the Ballard Partnership to define responses to the community input on the character of growth in Ballard’s core business areas. At the second public meeting last November, we received strong support for preliminary recommendations to shape new development, streetscapes and open space in downtown Ballard.
Review the background information here
Questions? Comments?
Department of Planning and Development
Seattle Department of Transportation
David Goldberg, Planner
(206) 615-1447
Chris Yake, Transportation Planner
(206) 727-8719