7th annual Edible Garden Tour set for June 27
One of the many gardens viewed last year.
Thu, 05/28/2015
Grow, don’t mow! This tour includes more than a dozen gardens to explore within walking distance of West Woodland Elementary and the entry fee supports Sustainable Ballard’s community projects throughout the year. West Woodland itself has a new edible garden and will have gardening and art activities on the day of the tour.
Now in it’s 7th year, the Edible Garden Tour has been an inspiration to hundreds of gardeners every June. This fun walking /biking tour highlights creative uses of parking strips, containers, raised beds, bee houses, chicken coops, goats, fruit trees, berries, herbs and veggies galore!
This year, in addition to inspiring gardens, goats & chickens, we will include artists’ displays in the gardens!
We are still seeking gardens and urban farms in SE Ballard to include on the tour. If you’d like to show off your approach to urban food production and live between 3rd and 14th NW, south of NW 65th St, please contact Paula to learn all about being on the tour!
Volunteers are needed to help with outreach for the event, write a blog post or promote the event in other media, hang and distribute posters and help out the day of the event! If you’d like to host a stop on the tour, donate a raffle prize, become a sponsor or volunteer please contact Paula or Jennifer.
Time: 10 am – 3 pm
Start Point and Tickets: West Woodland Elementary School, 5601 4th Ave NW
Cost: $10 per person (kids are free). Buy your ticket/map at the start point on the day of the tour.