With voter's pamphlets circulating the Ballard News-Tribune thought our readers would be curious to see who’s funding our District 6 candidates’ campaigns as they race for the City Council seat.
The City’s Ethics and Election Commission enforces, interprets and administers the Seattle Ethics Code for elections. Candidates must report their campaign contributions and expenditures as well as their financial condition. The full campaign financial disclosure report can be found at http://www2.seattle.gov/ethics/eldata/filings/campaigns.asp?ElCycle=el1…
By far the leader in funding is the incumbent, Councilmember Mike O’Brien. So far he has raised $57,384. 26 percent of the amount is coming from District 6; 20 percent from District 3; 14 percent from outside city limits; and 13 percent from District 7. The rest of the amount has come from all parts of the city or an address was not declared. O’Brien did not report personally funding his own campaign. Furthermore, individual donors make up the bulk of O’Brien’s campaign amounting to 76 percent of the contributions totaling $43,225.

Catherine Weatbrook’s campaign has raised $24,242. By far most of her contributions have come from District 6: 49 percent of her total amount has come from the district. 13 percent has comes from District 7 and 11 percent from District 5. Six percent came from outside city limits. Furthermore, 11 percent of her campaign funds came from Weatbrook herself. Individual contributions made up 65 percent of Weatbrooks campaign and totals at $15,636 with 12 percent coming from businesses.
Jon Lisbin’s campaign has raised $4924 and has been largely funded by Lisbin himself; according to the financial disclosure the candidate has provided 59 percent of campaign funding. 37 percent has come from outside the city limits and two percent from District 6.

There are no funds reported for Stan Shaulfler on the city website.