Will the Edith Macefield house be saved?
Wed, 09/16/2015
On August 5, the owners of Edith Macefield's famous "Up House"announced the house would be donated to OPAL ("Of People And Land") Community Land Trust -- a nonprofit organization providing permanently affordable housing on Orcas Island -- if sufficient funds could be raised to help offset the costs of moving, renovating the home and purchasing land on the island.
Following the announcement, OPAL launched a Kickstarter campaign.
To date, backers of the online Kickstarter campaign have pledged about 10 percent of the funds needed to save the house and move it to a new location. As much as people love Edith's house, these pledges are not sufficient to save the house. To move the house and create a home for a family in need, OPAL needs to identify additional funding sources.
The fundraising campaign to save Edith's house is in a second phase to secure addition major gifts by the end of September. OPAL has been working offline to build major donor support in addition to the funds generously pledged online by the 180 Kickstarter backers. One anonymous donor pledged a $50,000 challenge donation-- if $100,000 is raised from other sources.
OPAL is grateful for all the support to date, and hopes others will choose to donate by September 30. Individuals who pledged on Kickstarter can continue to be involved in saving the house by going to OPAL's website, where they may enter their pledge, or ask to be kept informed. If the house is saved and moved to Orcas Island, OPAL will honor all donors by placing their name on a wall inside the house, and by inviting all supporters to a house warming party.
If the campaign does not successfully raise $175,000 by September 30, the fate of the house becomes uncertain again. The owners have not informed OPAL of any other plans for Edith's house at this time.
To make a pledge or find out more information, go to https://www.opalclt.org/in-the-works/ediths-house/