Jack and the Beanstalk puppet show to perform at Sunset Hill Community Club
Wed, 09/23/2015
Thistle Theatre, a puppet theatre for families presents “Jack and the Beanstalk”. Based on an old English version of the story, Jack Spriggins trades his family’s cow for five colored beans. His long- suffering mother tosses the beans and they magically grow as tall as the sky. An amazing adventure ensues when Jack climbs to the top of the beanstalk and becomes a slave to the Cyclops wife of the Fee-fi-fo-fum Giant. A golden hen, a magic singing harp, a green fairy and a fool add to the musical merriment.
Bunraku puppets of all sizes tell this classic Medieval English tale. Thistle Theatre specializes in tabletop Bunraku puppets, an ancient Japanese style of puppetry. The puppeteers, dressed head-to- toe in black to suggest invisibility, manipulate the puppets from behind. Ben Burris, Andre Nelson and Gina Wilhelm are puppeteers in the production directed by Jean Enticknap. The story was adapted by Sue Ennis and Jean Enticknap with music and songs by Sue Ennis. The puppets were designed and build by Brian Kooser with costumes by Jean Enticknap. Funded in part by 4Culture/King County Lodging Tax.
BYT Ivanhoe Theatre
16661 Northup Way, Bellevue, WA 98008 Oct. 10, 11 (2:00PM & 4:00PM)
Magnuson Park Theatre
7110 62nd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115 Oct. 17, 18 (1:00PM & 3:00PM)
Sunset Hill Community Club
3003 NW 66th St, Seattle, WA 98115 Oct. 24, 25 (1:00PM & 3:00PM)
All tickets are $10.
Purchase tickets at http://www.thistletheatre.org/tickets.htm or http://www.brownpapertickets.com

For more information contact us at (206) 524-3388 or info@thistletheatre.org or visit:
http://www.thistletheatre.org http://www.facebook.com/pages/Thistle-Theatre/122211953899 http://twitter.com/thistletheatre
Short Description
Based on an old English version of the story, Jack trades the family cow for five colored beans that magically grow as tall as the sky. Jack climbs to the top of the beanstalk where he becomes a servant to the Cyclops wife of the Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum Giant.