Kick-off party for new BHS project ‘Mapping Historic Ballard: Shingletown to Tomorrow’ Nov. 12
Tue, 11/10/2015
The kick-off party for the project, Mapping Historic Ballard: Shingletown to Tomorrow, is Thursday, November 12th at 6:30 p.m. at Ballard Homestead at 6541 Jones Avenue NW.
The Ballard Historical Society received a Department of Neighborhood Small & Simple to develop an original Historic Resource Inventory and turn it into a dynamic interactive map. They invite you join the party on November 12 to enjoy doughnuts and cider, hear live music hear and meet the project team.
Project Manager and architect Davidya Kasperzyk is a longtime Ballardite, most recently Design Manager of the SR 520 Corridor Project. Connie Walker Gray of Confluence Environmental Company is an Architectural Historian. The GIS Consultant Matt Stevenson of Core GIS, another local, is excited to be working on a project “so close to home” that helps Ballard’s history to inform its future. Steering Committee members include architect Bill Singer of Environmental WORKS and third generation Ballardite Caelen Ball of The Urbanist.
This is a volunteer driven project so please come to learn about our opportunities at Ballard Homestead. A big thank you to Abbey Arts (happy 10th anniversary) for co-sponsoring this event at their non-profit community space in Ballard. More information at