Who are these volunteers in safety vests photographing buildings?
Thu, 01/28/2016
Information provided by the Ballard Historical Society
As part of its Small & Simple grant from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods volunteers in safety vests are surveying all the pre-1965 structures in Ballard, from 57th NW north to 85th and east of railroad tracks to 8th NW. Throughout February you may see your own neighbors photographing structures.
So far 60 volunteers are using an open platform Fulcrum app on their phones to enter data based on visual evaluation: type of roof, outside material, significant trees on the property and general condition. This is strictly for determining what structures remain compared to earlier surveys and whether the structures may have historical significance. No personal information is being collected or shared.
Photographs will be taken from the street and/or sidewalk. The volunteers will also be determining whether houses or other buildings are part of a cluster or district. Based on surveying up to 8000 structures about 100 will be identified for more in-depth research. Love to look through archives or old property records? More volunteers appreciated.
For more on the project please visit http://ballardhistory.org
Project questions and concerns:
Peggy Sturdivant 206.419.5845
Laura K. Cooper 206.518. 0950