The Port has put the Request for Proposals on hold to gather more information. If they go forward the three parking areas at Shilshole Marina could be paid parking.
Opposition is building against the Port of Seattle’s move to potentially implement paid parking at Shilshole Marina.
According to the Port’s website, last November the Port issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a parking management system for the marina. It asked potential parties to submit a proposal outlining a plan for parking at the marina.
“The port will review the proposals, conduct interviews and then select the most appropriate vendor to manage the Shilshole Bay Marina parking lot for a fixed period of time,” the Port stated on the site.
Since then the Port has reported that they have put the RFP action on hold.
“We are still in the process of gathering the information that will help inform our decisions on parking at Shilshole Bay Marina. We will be in close contact with Shilshole moorage customers as we have further discussions,” Peter McGraw of the Port of Sseattle.
McGraw would not comment further on the Port’s plans.
Damon Darely moors at Shilshole Marina and is a member of the Sloop Tavern Yacht Club (STYC). Darely released a public letter inviting concerned citizens to oppose the Port’s move.
“As there is no ‘parking problem’ to be solved, the STYC is opposed to any change in parking the situation at Shilshole. If the Port decides to start pay parking we are asking the Port for a seat at the table so that we will have input into the details,” wrote Darely.
“While each tenant may or may not get free parking for one car, there would certainly be charges for guests, and crew, as well as for any other area users.”
A further contention is that Darely and others anticipate is if the Port implements paid parking, non-mooring and non-residents of the marina will seek free parking across the street along Seaview Avenue.
“It is expected that if the Port coverts its Shilshole lots to pay parking that the City will also implement pay parking on Seaview Avenue, making the closest free parking the lots at Golden Gardens or residential areas.”
“There are many diverse users of the Shilshole/Golden Gardens recreational area. These include the Boat Ramp, sport fishing, Park patrons, and Dog Park users. As area users look for free parking the Park lots will soon fill and reduce the public access to this local treasure as well.”
Look to the Ballard News-Tribune as this story develops.
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