At Large In Ballard: Exclamation point!
Oklahoma! cast ensemble rehearsal in West Woodland cafeteria.
Wed, 03/23/2016
By Peggy Sturdivant
It’s telling that when Linda Joss wanted to start a neighborhood musical theater group she invited about 25 of her closest friends to her basement. Let that sink in for a minute…twenty-five of her closest friends. That gives proper perspective on someone who decides to produce a full-length musical with live orchestra that will be staged for just two nights. It could also explain why opening night of the Woodland Park Player’s production of “Oklahoma!” on March 18th was sold out in advance.
When you read this, months of preparation and rehearsal will be over. The set will have been “struck.” The leads, ensemble cast, musicians, and stage crew will have returned to their families, no longer the fight choreographer, lasso coach, costumer, or mom playing ‘a dude.’
Who are these adults who have left their homes nights and weekends in Seattle’s darkest months to rehearse in a school cafeteria? They are teachers, parents, retirees and medical students. In Director Sarah Stillion’s words they are theater throwbacks, reconnecting with their childhood role as a rooster, Eve in the church play, improv in college, even their disco and karaoke nights.
Still how did they find the energy? Perhaps from the woman who wanted to ‘put on a show.’ Founder/producer Linda Joss is the classic extrovert who draws energy from others, and then manages to raise it in others. While still juggling 70+ details before opening night she said, “I love every second of this.”
Joss was inspired to start the Woodland Park Players because of her longtime admiration for the Burns Park Players of Ann Arbor, Michigan. During a work stint there she insisted they live in that neighborhood so she could participate in a group she’d long admired. Even though “outclassed” she got to be a pepper shaker in the ensemble for “Beauty and the Beast. “I was a super happy pepper shaker.” The Burns Park Players started as a way to raise funds for arts programs in the school district. Over the last 30 years they’ve put $230,000 into local arts. Joss wants the Woodland Park Players to be able to do that too.
Taking another cue from the Burns Park Players as producer Joss had a “no cut” policy for “Oklahoma!” There were auditions for specific roles but otherwise everyone was guaranteed a part in the ensemble. The orchestra had to be a little more selective, so one man who wanted to play flute instead graciously built a farmhouse. Meanwhile they have been rehearsing in the West Woodland Elementary School cafeteria.
Joss and her husband have three children, twins now at Ingraham and one Hamilton. While there she helped start programs such as Taking Care of Business, Pie Day and was instrumental in the talent show and annual appeal. The musical theater idea was further flamed by a Broadway karaoke fundraiser held at Hilliard’s. Joss knew that West Woodland had talent. She defines the Woodland Park Player boundaries as those who live or work in Fremont/Ballard/Greenwood/Phinney. “I just want to make something good,” Joss said. “It’s purely to create friendship and fun.”
Reading the program is like meeting 60 new friends: former Hollywood snake-charmer and stuntwoman, a flight attendant, audiologist, commercial videographer, pre-school teacher, trombonist, high school student, union organizer. Almost all of them thanking their families for putting up with their tendency to sing show tunes on car rides and recent habit of doing cartwheels in the house. Joss lists off names and organizations of those who have supported the effort, Driftwood Players, Fremont Council for the Arts, local businesses…faster than corn popping.
What Linda Joss has uncovered is how show tunes and musicals like “Oklahoma” can unlock parts of our past. Growing up was how she most connected with her mother, through a shared love of Gene Kelly and an annual tradition of seeing a live show. It turns out there are a lot of us who need to belt out, “Oh what a beautiful morning,” and drive the headlines away.
For this first production the Woodland Park Players need to cover their costs, rights to the musical, use of Roosevelt High School’s theater, building supplies and program printing…then they contribute to school district arts programs, and plan their future years. Joss is now confident that all the talent needed is available in the neighborhood but envisions involving more children.
Curtain yet to rise, Joss was already joyous. For years she has put her energy into events at West Woodland that she thought her children would appreciate. Yet it’s this project, which started as fulfilling her own passion, that has brought her the ultimate gift, a teenager telling her mom, “I can’t believe you’re touching so many lives.”