Ballard construction site missing tools
A construction company working on a project located at the 2400 block of N.W. 64th Street is missing tools after a burglary on April 16. The complainant called police after she arrived at the scene and discovered the door was torn open. The lock was badly damaged. The complainant noticed tools strewn about and some larger tools missing. A power saw and other tools were taken. Police were able to recover fingerprints on a few items. The valued loss was $3,000.
Burglars go in through roof
A restaurant on Fourth Avenue N.W. and N.W. Market Street was broken into on April 20. The restaurant owner called police after she received an email from a neighbor who reported the property had been burglarized. When the owner arrived she found a hole had been cut in the ceiling. There was debris all over the floor. She also noticed the closing locks on the back door had been pried off. She did not notice anything stolen. Police were unable to recover any fingerprints.