Ballard Natural Drainage Systems project update
Mon, 05/09/2016
Seattle Public Utilities’ Ballard Natural Drainage Systems project is underway. In the next two weeks, crews will be installing pit drains, conducting flow testing and digging and backfilling soil into the roadside rain garden cells in several locations along Northwest 75th Street, 19th Avenue Northwest and 17th Avenue Northwest.
Concrete removal work to construct sidewalks will also begin along 17th Avenue Northwest and Northwest 75th and 77th streets.
Anticipated impacts include:
Temporary sidewalk closures.
Temporary traffic lane closures.
Constructions materials and equipment in street.
Increased construction traffic, noise, dirt and vibrations.
Parking restrictions during work hours.
Several homes receiving rain gardens may experience temporary service interruptions to water and sewer during construction. The project’s resident engineer will coordinate with homeowners to help reduce impacts.
Please forward these updates to others who may be interested in the project and we always encourage people to sign up directly at:
Grace Manzano, Project Manager at (206) 233-1534 or
Robert Case, Resident Engineer, (206) 512-7044 or
Or visit the project website at