Ballard Natural Drainage Systems project set to finish this fall
Tue, 05/31/2016
The Ballard Natural Drainage Systems project is underway and is on track to be completed in fall 2016. The timeline for the project is on the project website and was shared in the original construction notice. Please note that the schedule has not changed.
Many of you may have “No Parking” signs on or near your street. The “No Parking” signs will likely remain on your block as long as the contractor is working in the area. Our contractors are permitted to post parking restrictions in 30-day increments. Once that increment has passed, the contractor is required to update the information with parking enforcement and post the new dates. These dates do not reflect the overall project timeline, but rather the current “No Parking” restriction. Signs will be placed on your block while it is in active construction, and they may also be used to help provide safe routes for large concrete deliveries, excavation trucks and other equipment while work is occurring on nearby blocks. The construction crews need clear sightlines and roadways in order to safely move their equipment in and out of the neighborhood and to help protect pedestrians and private property.
For this type of project, the contractor typically works in activity phases. The contractor’s first phase in Ballard is to excavate, test and install natural drainage systems along Northwest 75th Street, Northwest 77th Street, 19th Avenue Northwest and 17th Avenue Northwest followed by concrete street restoration. The second phase will be to repeat those activities along Northwest 77th Street and 26th Avenue Northwest near Loyal Heights Elementary School. The last phase will involve planting in all of the natural drainage systems throughout the entire project site. The “No Parking” restrictions will be placed in accordance with each phase of work.
We do apologize for the inconvenience and for any confusion these signs may have caused. We have reminded the contractor to keep the “No Parking” signs as up-to-date as possible. If you ever have questions about the signage, a contact phone number is always available on the “No Parking” sign.
Please forward these updates to others who may be interested in the project. We always encourage people to sign up directly at:
Grace Manzano, Project Manager, (206) 233-1534 or
Robert Case, Resident Engineer, (206) 512-7044 or
Or visit the project website at