Woodland Park Zoo says new baby giraffe is a girl
Mon, 06/26/2017
The Woodland Park Zoo announced last week that a neonatal exam revealed the new baby giraffe born June 20 is a female.
The calf was born to first-time mother, Tufani, 8, and like her mother, she’s tall standing at 5 feet 9 inches and weighing 149 pounds.
The calf was born to parents, Tufani and 4-year-old Dave, and viable giraffe calf has not been birthed at the zoo since 2013,
Tufani and the calf have been moved to an isolated barn setting for quiet maternal bonding and nursing. Testing shows that Tufani is passing along nutrient and anti-body rich colostrum to the calf and that the calf is nursing normally.
Tufani’s antibodies prevent the from getting sick until she can produce her own, according Dr. Darin Collins, Woodland Park Zoo Director of Animal Health.
“The first 24 to 72 hours are critical for giraffe calves, but so far she seems to be doing well,” said Collins.
“She’s a very mobile calf,” explained Martin Ramirez, mammal curator at the zoo. “She’s showing early signs of curiosity and adventure. Eventually, she will begin to follow her mom to the outdoor corral where zoo-goers could possibly catch a glimpse of her. But expect sporadic viewing since she can choose to go off view in the barn.”
Currently, the calf and mother are off view in the barn to allow a quiet environment for maternal bonding and nursing. It will be at least a few months before the calf is introduced to the African Savanna exhibit. Until then, the zoo’s giraffe cam will allow the public to view the calf and mother. Viewers can access the giraffe cam at zoo.org/tallestbaby