Ballard High is piloting an all school mock election this fall on 4 "real" ballot initiatives and the Cantwell/Hutchison Senate race. This is exciting stuff and it may be the largest mock election in school district history! In partnership with SPS, King County Elections published over 2000 Official BHS Voter's Pamphlets that mirror the "real" pamphlets parents/citizens receive. The initiatives are below. Legislators Carlyle, Tarleton, and Frame, along with some SPS notables will be “observing” kids vote on November 6. Parents have been encouraged through interview assignments to discuss the initiatives with their kids and vote!!! (click for parent interview assignment) opens a pdf fileOpens a New Window.
More information on this district wide initiative is available at www.civicsforall.orgOpens a New Window..
FYI --- Below are examples of some student work/videos on this year’s four initiatives.
They were shown to the entire school.
Initiative 940
Vote YES
Vote NO
Initiative 1631
Vote YES
Initiative 1634
Vote YES
Vote NO
Initiative 1639
Vote YES **
NOTE: The 1631 pro/con videos are super!!!!! Made by ninth graders!!!
This link shows all the videos in a seamless stream plus some introductory footage.
You can show up at any time of the school day on Tuesday (8:45 – 2:30) and see a school and thousands of kids focused around voting in the first floor main hall of the school at our kid built “Polling Place.”