An online history of who built the City of Seattle presented by retired civil engineer Bob Ortblad will be presented on Saturday May 16. The free show (donations appreciated) is being offered in support of the Northwest Sarcoma Foundation. Also included will be a history of the West Seattle Bridge.
An online presentation by Bob Ortblad will be Saturday May 16.
Virtual Dinner & Show (you provide the dinner)
Saturday, May 16, 6:30 -8 p.m.
FREE - please RSVP
Bob Ortblad will present “ Who Built Seattle” plus recount the lurid history of the "West Seattle Bridge”.
The bridges's current demise, and controversial future.
Bob Ortblad is a retired Civil Engineer, MBA, CPA, and 12 year sarcoma survivor. He teaches the history of infrastructure at the University of Washington. In 2017 he presented “Who Built Seattle” at Town Hall Seattle. Since his presentation, Bertha has completed her tunnel and Sound Transit has added a few miles, so he will present an updated “Who Built Seattle”.