Open house set for draft Burien vision statement
Tue, 06/07/2011
Burien residents will have the opportunity to review the draft "Vision for Burien" statement and discuss it with city officials and Vision for Burien steering committee members at an Open House on Monday, June 13, 5:30 - 7 p.m., in the first floor meeting room at City Hall, 400 S.W. 152nd St.
The City Council is scheduled to adopt the vision statement at its June 20 meeting, 7 p.m., at City Hall.
The draft vision statement is the result of meetings, public forums and surveys over the past several months on what Burien residents want their community to be in the next few decades. The visioning effort will provide the city with a sense of direction and framework for evaluating future policy decisions and will help shape the long-term future of Burien.
The public can also review the draft statement at the city booth at the Wild Strawberry Festival on June 18 and 19 at Burien Town Square. The draft vision can also be viewed online at