City of Burien press release:
Does your street flood regularly during rainstorms? Do you have other storm water drainage problems on your property on in your neighborhood, or any issue related to water quality, wetlands, or critical areas?
The City of Burien would like to hear from you. The City is currently updating its Drainage Master Plan and needs to be informed of any storm drainage problem areas in Burien.
Please fill out the drainage questionnaire found online at or report the problem at Burien City Hall, 400 S.W. 152nd St., Suite 300.
The Drainage Master Plan will guide the City's drainage-related programs and capital projects in future years. The objective of the Master Plan is to provide a surface water management framework that will help the City achieve the following goals:
* Protect steep slopes, streams, wetlands and shorelines from erosion and sedimentation.
* Protect the quality of surface water and groundwater.
* Provide recharge of groundwater.
* Ensure natural control mechanisms