Burien group seeks to help with foreclosure mediation
Thu, 07/21/2011
Press release:
This past legislative session homeowners fought for and won ground breaking new laws that entitled families to mediation with their mortgage lenders. Homeowners can now “trigger” mediation. They must seek the aid of organization like OUR Washington in order to sign up for mediation.
Mediation is a process where a state mediator helps the homeowner and the lender reach a fair and negotiated agreement. Foreclosure mediation programs have proven very effective in other states.
OUR Washington will conduct weekly intakes at the Burien office (and other locations TBA) to help families sign up and get trained on mediation. Homeowners will also have the opportunity to join a growing network of families for support and advocacy. This will give homeowners strength and confidence needed for what is a very stressful process.
“it gives me hope that I will actually be able to talk to someone at my bank” says Marliza Melzer, of Burien and one of the first to sign up for mediation at the Burien office.
“I am proud to have supported this new law that gives struggling homeowners the right to negotiate with their lenders face to face,” said Rep. Dave Upthegrove (D-Des Moines). “I think foreclosure mediation will result in fairer outcomes that benefit Washington families and communities.”
Who: anyone with an affordable mortgage or “underwater”
What: OUR Washington members/volunteers and staff
When: every Friday at 4 (call 206-414-0537 first to make an appointment)
Where: Burien office at 144 SW 153rd Street #103 Burien WA or clients home (other locations TBA)