Letters to the Editor: Spending cuts not an Impossible Mission
Mon, 07/25/2011
Recently "our falsely scare the hell out of seniors" President Barack Hussein Obama after failing to answer how he would reduce the cost of government, stated that he would form a commission to help him with this Impossible Mission.
From his perspective, cutting $100 million out of a $3.5 trillion budget, which is a whooping 0.00285 percent reduction from the most cost efficient governmental organization in the world, is an Impossible Mission!
And the commission will only have 90 days for this awesome task. What a challenge! Consider if you will this problem if presented for solution to an actual "producer" having to make this same percentage reduction in their annual earning of $50,000. It would require less than a minute to implement that non-essential spending reduction of $142.50 from the family earnings.
Now the assignment for this "special commission should be identify a $100 million reduction every hour during the ninety day session as we have approximately $1.4 trillion in non-essential government "services" and you may be talking real reductions in the size of the inflated government.
We have cities firing police and firemen, so it seems that we could do without a boatload of bureaucrats receiving inflated salaries and benefits very nicely.
Gary Kennedy
Des Moines