LETTER: Burien lawmaker says boundary board decision not ‘great’
Mon, 02/06/2012
Great article regarding the Boundary Review Board’s 1/23 meeting.
I noticed a quote in the article that I would like corrected. For the record, I do not recall saying that the Boundary Review Board's decision "is great."
I do recall saying that "I thought the board had been through a thoughtful process and I look forward to the vote from North Highline."
I continue to have on-going concerns regarding the annexation. I encourage voters to do their homework and ask the tough questions - will there be a sales tax credit?, how will the City of Burien deliver the same services without increasing taxes?, how will Burien address the large gap between expenditures and revenue at the end of the 10 year sales tax credit period?, will the fire districts be made whole? Lots of questions that are still to be answered.
Lucy Krakowiak
Burien City Councilmember
(Reporter Ty Swenson responds: For the record I pulled your quote directly from my voice recorder, but looking back I can see how the nature of "great" could be misunderstood. My guess is you were referencing the quality of the review process and public interest/involvement in that process.)