WABI Burien Gets Rolling As New Walk/Bike Organization
The new WA/BI Burien group hopes to install unique bike racks in downtown Burien like this one in White center.
Thu, 04/19/2012
Press release:
WABI Burien was organized by a group of citizens in Burien who all share a
passion for making our community safer, healthier, and more fun through walking and bicycling. We present and promote events and advocacy efforts to nurture the walk/bike community here in Burien.
What does "WABI" mean? It’s short for “Walk/Bike.”
WABI Burien specifically promotes elements of the City of Burien’s Vision, which was adopted in 2011:
Healthy: Burien promotes community vitality with health and wellness services for all ages.
Active: Burien encourages active living to support physical and mental health.
We focus on activities that engage citizens of all ages and abilities. We have periodic events such as Walk-n-Talks and Bike SaFaRis (Safe Family Rides), and we support other walking and cycling activities.
WABI Burien is sponsoring a FREE Bicycling 101 Class on May 9, and Burien
Bike Day on Friday, May 18, 2012.
Another WABI initiative is working with the City of Burien toward the installation
of bike racks around town. Abundant, widely-distributed and secure bicycle
parking must be provided to encourage cycling as an alternative means of
WABI members – “WABI-ists” - give input into city, county and state issues
regarding transportation master planning, bike/pedestrian counts and other
efforts that take note of people on two feet and two wheels. This includes working with businesses, schools, and local government to help shape policies and plans that promote safe streets and the greatest number of transportation choices for our citizens.
Through our web site, www.WabiBurien.org, we’ll offer resources, informative
articles, calendars and links to other Walking/Cycling organizations. WABI
welcomes all folks to become “WABI-ists”. We encourage people to hit the “Click- n-Subscribe” button on the web site to sign up for a free e-mail subscription, and to “like” us on Facebook.
We are people-powered in how we get things done (and how we get from point A to point B). We welcome the ideas, talents, and participation of all of our Burien neighbors who share our vision for a more active, safer, and greener community.
Organization Information:
President - Brooks Stanfield
Vice President - Maureen Hoffmann
Secretary - Janet Shull
Treasurer - Jimmy Schulz
Marketing Committee Chair - Gina Bourdage
Graphics & Media – Maureen Hoffmann