Aviation High School Student Named National Merit Scholar
While Aviation High’s Jenny Gao is a National Merit Scholar who will be attending Harvard University this fall, she is also a high school senior thinking about her upcoming prom. Here, she tries on a possible prom dress as part of the Highline Schools Foundation’s Project PROMise.
Thu, 05/10/2012
Press release:
Jenny Gao has been named a National Merit Scholar, one of just 700 high school seniors in the nation to achieve this exclusive academic honor. She is Aviation High School’s first National Merit Scholar. Jenny will attend Harvard University, where she plans to study engineering and applied sciences.
National Merit Scholarship winners are selected for their abilities, skills, and accomplishments in addition to SAT scores in the highest one-half of one percent.
Davis Yoshida from Aviation High school was a National Merit Finalist. He will attend the University of Colorado Boulder. He will study physics and plans to pursue graduate studies in astrophysics. Finalists test in the top one percent in the nation.
Highline also had three Commended Scholars, whose SAT scores are in the top two percent nationally:
Tyler Hall, from Mount Rainier High School, will attend University of Portland in the fall.
James Talbot, Mount Rainier High School, plans to double major in electrical engineering and computer sciences at Case Western University.
Sean Crowley, Aviation High School, has been appointed to West Point military academy.
Collins Mbugua, Aviation High School, was named an Outstanding Participant in the National Achievement Program, a National Merit program recognizing exceptional Black students.