Northwest Symphony Orchestra receives first place national ASCAP award
Thu, 06/14/2012
The Northwest Symphony Orchestra was awarded a First Place National ASCAP Award (given to an orchestra with an annual budget of up to $500,000) on Friday, June 8 at the League of American Orchestras Annual Awards Event at its 67th National Conference in Dallas, Texas. The Northwest Symphony Orchestra received this award for its outstanding commitment to the performance of works by local composers during its 25th Anniversary season. The League and ASCAP present awards each year to orchestras of all sizes for programs that challenge the audience, build the repertoire, and increase interest in music of our time. Approximately $700,000 has been bestowed on orchestras since the awards were established in 1947.
Established in 1914, ASCAP is the first and leading U.S. Performing Rights Organization (PRO) representing the world's largest repertory totaling over 8.5 million copyrighted musical works of every style and genre from more than 430,000 songwriter, composer and music publisher members. ASCAP has representation arrangements with similar foreign organizations so that the ASCAP repertory is represented in nearly every country around the world where copyright law exists. ASCAP protects the rights of its members and foreign affiliates by licensing the public performances of their copyrighted works and distributing royalties based upon surveyed performances. ASCAP is the only American PRO owned and governed by its writer and publisher members.
League of American Orchestras
The League of American Orchestras leads, supports, and champions America’s orchestras and the vitality of the music they perform. Its diverse membership of approximately 850 orchestras across North America runs the gamut from world-renowned symphonies to community groups, from summer festivals to student and youth ensembles. The only national organization dedicated solely to the orchestral experience, the League is a nexus of knowledge and innovation, advocacy, and leadership advancement for managers, musicians, volunteers, and boards. Its conferences and events, award-winning Symphony magazine, website, and other publications inform music lovers around the world about orchestral activity and developments. Founded in 1942 and chartered by Congress in 1962, the League links a national network of thousands of instrumentalists, conductors, managers and administrators, board members, volunteers, and business partners. Visit to learn more.
Now in its twenty-fifth season, the orchestra has performed an unprecedented number of compositions of Northwest composers (125 works) and has garnered eight national awards for Programming of Contemporary Music from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. The orchestra has been featured repeatedly on National Public Radio and has recorded four compact disks. Dr. Anthony Spain is Music Director.
The NWSO has performed with a variety and eclectic mix of internationally known artists including Alice In Chains, Anne and Nancy Wilson of Heart, Joshua Roman and Natalie Cole.
Northwest Symphony Orchestra makes free complimentary tickets available to local school music programs. Teachers may call the orchestra office at (206) 242-6321.
More information about Northwest Symphony Orchestra is available on the Web at or by calling (206) 242-6321.