Two Highline schools recognized for environmental efforts
Fri, 06/22/2012
Press release:
Madrona Elementary and Shorewood Elementary have achieved designation as Level Two Green Schools through the King County Green Schools program.
The program has three levels, which involve students and staff in learning about and practicing conservation of natural resources.
Level One requires expanding recycling practices and focusing on waste reduction strategies, such as decreasing paper use.
Schools achieve Level Two by engaging in energy conservation actions, such as turning off lights in unoccupied rooms.
Level Three schools learn about and engage in water conservation practices.
“Staff and students at these schools have embraced recycling, reducing waste and other conservation actions,” said Dale Alekel, Green Schools Program Manager. “Simple steps, such as turning off lights in unoccupied rooms and recycling paper, bottles and cans, add up to big benefits.”
Alekel said most participating schools report cuts in operating expenses after maintaining successful waste reduction and recycling programs and reducing energy and water use.
Seven Highline schools are designated Green Schools. North Hill Elementary achieved Level Three status in May 2011. Gregory Heights Elementary was designated a Level Two school in June 2011.
Level One schools are Aviation High School, Beverly Park Elementary, and Bow Lake Elementary.