Update: Burien CARES shelter opens after passing health inspection
Tue, 07/17/2012
Press release:
The City of Burien's animal control provider, CARES (Community Animal Resource & Education Society), invites the public to attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new pet shelter on Tuesday, July 24.
CARES officially opened its new shelter at 909 SW 151st St. on Tuesday, July 16, after receiving required permitting and approvals from the City and passing its final inspection by the King County Health Department on July 15.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place at 4 pm with cake and refreshments. Dog and cat treats will be available for guests who bring their pets. The public is invited to stop by between 10 am and 8 pm and check out the new shelter, and perhaps take home one of the adoptable cats and dogs. The public can also view a privately owned pet daycare located next door.
CARES began providing animal control services for the City under contract in July of 2011 and was temporarily situated in a office off of SW 153rd St.
The new shelter has 16 adult cat "condos" plus four larger spaces for a mother cat and her kittens. Individual stalls are available for up to 15 dogs.
The shelter's regular hours are Tuesday - Saturday, 10 am - 6 pm. After hours, pet owners can leave a message.
The call will be returned within 24 hours. Call CARES at (206) 812-2737. In an emergency situation, such as a vicious and threatening dog, contact the Police Dept. by dialing 911.
CARES needs volunteers. See contact information about volunteering at CARES on the website: www.buriencares.com. Donations are also accepted. CARES has a "Wish List" on the Amazon website. Go to www.amazon.com and look for "Wish List" in the upper right corner. Enter "CARES Burien."