LETTER: Discuss annnexation respectfully
Mon, 07/23/2012
As I recall, the majority of the Burien City Council voted to pursue the annexation of "Area Y" of North Highline. At a subsequent meeting, the majority of the council voted to go forward with a November ballot proposal for voters living in that area.
These actions came out of the recognition that sooner or later, unincorporated areas would need to be annexed to a municipality. This would give residents of the annexed areas more direct control of priorities in community planning and infrastructure.
Based on these actions, it is incumbent upon the council to provide information to both those who will be voting on this issue as well as the rest of the citizens of Burien.
In attempting to provide a number of informational opportunities, several meetings have occurred already and several more are being planned. Whether one agrees with the information, wants more than what was presented, or does not like the presenter's style, it is unacceptable to demean or harass whoever is carrying out the directions of the Burien City Council or intimidate those who came for the information.
Can't we express differences with civility and respect in our community?
Rachael Levine