The area surrounded by the red line is the land that Tukwila proposes to annex. CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE FOR THE BURIEN MAP
As Burien’s proposed annexation area line moves east from 31st Avenue Southwest it passes through White Center’s business district, the Greenbridge development and the residential neighborhoods of Top Hat, Beverly Park and Glenacres. Just as the line is about to reach the potentially tax-rich industrial land along the Duwamish River, it abruptly stops at State Route 99.
The main argument of annexation opponents is that Burien just can’t afford to take on White Center’s business district and North Highline’s neighborhoods. Even if the city receives a maximum $5 million per year of state sales tax credit, taxes generated from the mostly residential area would not offset the added infrastructure and social services costs, critics argue.
Those business parks along the river could look very inviting to a growing city.
However, those industrial areas have been off-limits to Burien since the mid 1990s. That’s when the city of Tukwila, at the request of King County, added them to its Potential Annexation Area (PPA.)
“We have taken a hands-off attitude. We’ve tried to be good neighbors,” Burien City Manager Mike Martin said. “Historically, it’s been outside our PAA.”
Tukwila Mayor Jim Haggerton reports that some business owners approached Tukwila last year about moving the area from unincorporated King County into Tukwila. The City Council agreed to explore the option.
The proposed Tukwila annexation area is between SR-99 and the Duwamish River, south of South Director Street to the current Tukwila border.
The next step was to get a petition signed by those who control 60 percent of the assessed land valuation requesting annexation to Tukwila. Haggerton said the petition filed with the county was signed by about 70 percent.
Annexation will be by petition of the businesses, not by an election. A few residents live on houseboats along the river, Haggerton added. White Center and North Highline residents will vote on annexing into Burien on the November general election ballot.
Tukwila held a public hearing on the proposed annexation in June.
While the city has not formally submitted a request to the county Boundary Review Board, Tukwila officials are working with the property owners and area fire, water and sewer districts, the mayor reported.
There may be a possible consolation for Burien residents who drive by the boatyards and lament all the lost sales tax revenue when the big ships are sold.
Haggerton and Martin report that the boatyards structure the sale of their boats so they don’t have to pay sales tax in the city where the boats are built.
Tukwila will receive a bit more in property tax but sales tax is not a factor, Haggerton noted.
There’s still a slice of unincorporated land just north of the Tukwila annexation area.
Aptly dubbed “the sliver by the river, “it contains the under-construction South Park (16th Ave. S.) Bridge. While funds were finally found to rebuild the bridge, maintenance costs will still be high for whichever governmental jurisdiction claims it.
In addition, the entire chemically contaminated shore area could be capped and turned into a non-revenue producing park.
Burien officials are reluctant to get involved with the politically charged bridge and clean-up issues.
The proposed North Highline annexation area does contain some industrialized areas north of Gleanacres Golf Club. The area is between Des Moines Memorial Drive and 8th Avenue South.
Adding industrialized area diversifies Burien’s tax base, Burien City Manager Mike Martin said.
“It’s a nice bonus,” Martin noted.
He pointed out that there is nowhere within Burien’s current boundaries that could be zoned industrial.
The city is planning to place light industrial activity within its 135-acre Northeast Redevelopment Area (NERA.) That could include trucking, warehouses and other airport-related activities.
Plans are also underway for an auto mall of new car dealerships along Des Moines Memorial Drive. They would move over from 1st Avenue South.
The area is situated between South 152nd Street and South 138th Street from 8th Avenue South to Des Moines Memorial Drive.