An animated owl led the lantern procession around a Burien neighborhood during last year’s Burien Arts-Aglow Lantern Festival.
One of Burien’s most unique annual events promises a magical evening in the forest on Saturday, Sept. 8.
The free Arts-A-Glow Lantern Festival and Procession begins at 5 p.m. in Dottie Harper Park, 421 S.W. 146th St.
Lantern making workshops will help participants to make lanterns out of glass jars, plastic water bottles, pie tins, paper bags or tin cans. Organizers encourage lantern-makers to be creative with recycled materials. The lanterns can then be illuminated with glow sticks or battery operated candles.
Some participants will bring balloon lanterns from home.
Artist installations and performers will be around every corner. Offering their installations are Celeste Cooning, Mary Coss, The Moonrock Collective and ArtAbilityFaire.
Jini O’Flynn will play the harp from 5-6:15 p.m. followed by “Abrace,” with acappella from around the world.
Burien Arts will host face painting.
New this year for hungry festival-goers are food trucks, ‘Fusion on the Run” and “Sweet Wheels,” serving sandwiches, quesadillas, ice cream sandwiches and baked goods. Tea time is back, thanks to Burien’s Phoenix Tea.
Then, at dusk (around 8 p.m.,) “VamoLa’ Dance and Drum Ensemble will lead a lantern procession out of the park and into the streets of Burien. The procession will head through the skate park and Burien Community Center Annex grounds past a lit-up Burien Community Garden. The revelers will go west on Southwest 144th Street looping to 6th Avenue Southwest. At Southwest 143rd Street, the processions heads east and back to the park along 4th Avenue Southwest.
Back at Dottie Harper, VamoLa' will finish out the night with music to dance to until 10 p.m.
The free family festival is sponsored by the city of Burien and 4 Culture.