LETTER: Apartments bad for Burien Town Square
Mon, 09/24/2012
The Town Square Apartment project will be very bad for Burien. It will turn prime property into a ghetto.
Already the adjoining properties have excessive vandalism and robberies because of the many apartments that are located a few blocks away.
Many young people cause disruptions at the Burien Library. They pee in the elevator and the police have to be called to break up gang fights and other altercations and disruptions.
There have been shootings near the transit center, and many other criminal activities occur near the Dollar Tree and Burger King.
When the artist came to paint the mural on the west wall of the Dollar Tree, she had her purse with all her ID and her computer stolen. Towards the end of her stay some bum accosted her.
I am happy the Burien Town Square Park is being used in the summer, but on some days it is already filled to capacity. When these huge apartments are built the park will be totally inadequate to accommodate everyone from the apartments. What was once a destination park for everyone will be a local playground for the apartments.
There is much more crime in Burien than is reported because the only crimes that are published in the public police reports are car vandalism and house break-ins. This will be a terrible waste of what could have been a community asset.
Robbie Howell