LETTER: Letter writer supports Obama
Mon, 10/01/2012
Out of Many, One
Well, now both conventions are over and there are now the debates and then the election in November. Do you still exclaim 'There is no one to vote for!’ which I heard in 2008?
I would think that us common folks, most of us here in USA, just hard-working decent people, could find appeal in the message and example of the Obamas.
If that is not true, please provide your own impressions and hesitations NOT to vote Democratic this election. None of us live in the high-society world or the corporate world. Then we would vote for Romney, simply done.
In my own humble opinion, the Republicans do not have a credible candidate to offer this time, NOTHING!! I cannot understand how the average American, just trying to survive and have a decent life and nurture a society that is better for our children/grandchildren, could possibly vote against their own best interests and vote for the GOP.
It's a secret ballot and each of us must make our own choice. I would just be anxious to hear the reasoning behind marking 'R', that this will be best for America, to help us to get to where we need to be as a country and a free people.
There seems to be a generous use of 'freedom' and 'liberty' in the GOP messages yet I can only see restrictions on our freedoms and threats to our liberty in their policies and plans. They want to re-shape America into a country controlled by rich white men. That is how we began in this new land yet the Founding Fathers were visionaries, knew that is not who we aspire to be.
We can do better than that. It was laid out at the Democratic Convention: 'We are all in this together!’ Remember to vote.
David S. Gooding
Normandy Park