Burien Little Theatre looking for special props for Christmas production
Mon, 11/05/2012
Press release:
BLT is getting ready for “A Tuna Christmas” and it needs some specialty props that BLT has not found yet. If you have any of them and can share them with BLT, BLT will put your name in the program and give you a pair of free tickets! BLT needs these things as soon as possible and will use them through the last performance of “A Tuna Christmas” on December 16, 2012.
Here is the list:
* electric wheelchair (working);
* chrome-edged formica table, preferably no more than 4 feet wide;
* chrome and vinyl chairs to go with table;
* plastic grenades to hang on Didi Snavely's tree;
* radio antennas to create a Christmas tree for the radio station (these may be damaged and may not be returnable - but hey you likely have cable anyway); and
* phone cords in red and green to decorate radio antenna Christmas tree (History lesson for some of you - phones had cords back in the day they had to be plugged into the wall to work - shocking but true).
This list should give you some idea of just how much fun “A Tuna Christmas” will be. Tickets are on sale right now at http://click4tix.com/showdates.php?s_id=428511 (and the BLT website at http://burienlittletheatre.org). For ticket deals check out http://burienlittletheatre.org/blog/2012/10/ticket-deals-for-a-tuna-chr… .
“A Tuna Christmas” opens the day after Thanksgiving and runs every Friday, Saturday and Sunday for a month. There is no excuse not to come on down to Tuna, Texas, the second smallest town in Texas for the Holidays.
Don’t forget to bring nonperishable food with you to the show! BLT is helping a local food drive again this year. You donate nonperishable food and BLT gives you $2.00 off the price of your ticket (except on $7 Sunday). For details http://burienlittletheatre.org/blog/2012/10/tuna-helps-the-hungry/.