LETTER: Burien Town Square should be art place
Fri, 12/21/2012
The interplay of the sun, art, space, darkness and street lighting was beautiful tonight at Burien Town Square. This section of Burien is crying out to be officially designated the Arts and Cultural District.
The city has an opportunity to build a beautiful “Artplace” at Town Square. The size of the area is a little small but it is perfect for place making.
Other cities across the nation are building Art Places for their citizens by competing for grants and promoting stimulating art projects to enhance their cities desirability for future growth. These attractions will draw commercial and community resources for the people to visit and enjoy.
If this opportunity is missed the dream of a vibrant town square as described or as planned in the Burien 2020 Vision will be ended.
The city council needs to be forward thinking and have a long-term vision for a vibrant Burien like it used to.
Robbie Howell