A legally registered Heritage Colt 45 gun like this was accidentally delivered to the wrong house in Burien on Christmas Eve by FedEx. It had been sent in for repairs by Richard Crist.
Richard Crist of Burien told KOMO-TV that his legally purchased and registered handgun was delivered to the wrong address on Christmas Eve, and he wants someone to take responsibility for what he calls a "dangerous mistake."
He had sent his gun in for repairs. When the gun was shipped back by FedEx it had his address on it but was delivered to home a couple of blocks away. Crist calls himself a "fastidiously careful gun owner" and said he's very angry about the screw-up. The individual who received the box realized it wasn't for her and returned it unopened the following day.
"If some psycho had gotten a hold of this gun, and gone in and shot a bunch of people, it's my butt," Crist told KOMO-TV.