LETTER: Burien senior center needed
Wed, 01/09/2013
When the Town Square was in the planning stage, I was assured the money had been set aside to use the old library for a senior center.
Renton, Kent and Des Moines are great examples. Subsidized lunch programs, dance floors, rooms for folk to use for their "get-togethers,” exercise equipment, you name it.
Health experts for the aging stress the importance of seniors getting to mingle with their generation and not be housebound.
Exercise is important for seniors for their health--mental and otherwise.
Where are they in Burien? Perhaps readers of this plea will write to the city fathers to let them know we exist.
Everyone will one day be a senior, if they are lucky.
Right now is the time to plan for the rest of the development of Town Square with a much-needed great senior center.
Walter McGowan