Northeast Burien resident Marlene Allbright announces candidacy for Burien City Council
Mon, 03/18/2013
Press release:
I am a resident of NE Burien, who was opposed to being annexed into Burien. I did not feel that the City of Burien would be able to represent me. My fears have been confirmed by the recent proposal of the current four member majority of the Burien City Council, to take away my democratic rights through dividing the City Council into wards. Their rationale for breaking apart our city is that there is a lack of geographic diversity and minority representation on the current council. It is really a blatant attempt by the current four member majority of the council to divide our city so they can maintain power.
They argue that only through breaking our city into wards can we have a diverse Council. Another rationale is that they need a council member from NE Burien, and by creating a ward system, they would have better representation on the council. I stand as a candidate before the citizens of Burien as a NE Burien resident, committed and qualified to represent all of Burien. If the four-member majority ram this measure through council they will tilt the odds of the next election in their favor and be able to continue to pursue actions, such as annexation, that are against the best interests and wishes of the citizens of Burien. The people of North Highline voted overwhelmingly against annexation by the City of Burien, and we need to let that vote stand to uphold the democratic process. We do not need to introduce Chicago style ward politics ward or Texas- style gerrymandering to Burien.
I am running because we need to return Burien to the citizens and take it out of the hands of those whose only interests are the advancement and preservation of their own power. That is why in addition to opposing dividing our city into wards, I am firmly in favor of allowing the citizens the ability to choose their own leader, our own mayor, by direct election. This right belongs with the people, not with the City Council! I was opposed to the annexation of my own neighborhood into Burien and stand firmly with the majority of the citizens of Burien in opposing annexation. It is time to dismiss this issue once and for all. It is time that the citizens of Burien take back control of their City Council. I am Marlene Allbright, and I am running to restore democracy to Burien!
Marlene Allbright is a graduate of Antioch University and a Special Education teacher in the Seattle School District. She currently serves as Secretary of the 34th District Democrats and is a Union Representative with the Seattle Education Association. Marlene lives in NE Burien, and is the mother of two children and her dogs Houdini and Blondie.