Letter--'Old Boys Network' set to give extended contract to failed Burien CARES
Mon, 04/15/2013
Clearly Burien citizens are now seeing what appears to be the "old boys city staff network giving contracts to their friends".
The City Manager is now proposing (see page 97 of the Burien City council Packet for April 15, 2013) giving an extended contract to CARES.
This extended contract is to include;
1. Extending the contract for CARES from 2014 to 2016 with no explanation of what new services CARES will cover and what animals they will provide services to.
2. An increase in the amount to be paid to CARES from $120,000 to $170,000 per year to CARES (an increase of $50,000 a year to CARES) with no explanation of what this increase will cover. It can be paid in advance to them and in lump sums to remedy their problems as noted in the McVicker evaluation.
3. There will be no competitive bids allowed on this new/modified extended contract to be extended another two years
4. CARES employees who are not employees of the city will be given up to a 3% salary annual Cost of Living Adjustment equal to that given to the city staff. Will this be included in the $50,000 increase or will the city be paying this as an additional fee? Wouldn't we all like this kind of deal without having to provide an explanation of what we are going to do for the extra $50,000.
5. There is no explanation given explaining the strange numbers shown about the number of service calls for Burien vs. King County as was promised at the last Council meeting. This explanation was promised by the city staff but is not included for the public to examine.
6. There will be no presentation allowed by King County Animal Control to see what services Burien can purchase from them for $170,000 per year
So where is that transparent and open government at work that Mike Martin keeps stating is at work in Burien? Why no other competitive bids are being allowed? Why no explanation on the weird numbers the staff showed for Burien at the last meeting? Why just extending a contract to your buddies(Debra and Ray and who ever else) and treating them as city employees when they are supposed to be outside, non profit contractors? Where is that competitive process that is supposed to be in operation? Would we be doing this for the Waste Management contract provider or any other contractor? Humm, think not.
Please call or email the City Council or better still come to the meeting and speak up about this issue. council@burienwa.gov phone no. (206) 248-5508
R. Delorm