Final Airport noise study public meeting is Wednesday, May 15 at Burien's Cedarhurst Elementary
Wed, 05/08/2013
Press release:
The public is invited to ask questions and offer formal comments on the Draft Part 150 Noise Study for Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on May 15 at Cedarhurst Elementary in Burien (611 S. 132nd St.) from 6 - 8 p.m.
The open house and public hearing is set to review the proposed recommendations for minimizing aircraft noise impacts on airport communities.
At this fifth and final public meeting, the public can offer formal comment on the Draft Part 150 Noise Study and required State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) study in writing or with a court reporter.
This Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 150 Noise and Land-Use Compatibility Study update is designed to evaluate existing noise levels, predict noise for the next five years, evaluate potential noise mitigation ideas and recommend programs to minimize impacts.
The following are a few of the draft recommendations – based on study input from the community, Port of Seattle Commission and technical experts – which will be described in detail at the meeting: --
Continue offering sound insulation for eligible single-family residences located within the updated noise remedy boundary --
Offer new sound insulation programs for eligible condominiums located within the update boundary
-- Establish a pilot program to insulate apartment buildings located within the updated boundary
Offer a voluntary buyout program for existing residential mobile homes located on privately-owned land within the updated boundary
Offer an option for voluntary sale to the Port of eligible residential properties located within the south approach transition zone of the third runway
Evaluate the feasibility, possible locations, costs and operational impacts of building a Ground Run-up Enclosure to reduce noise during aircraft engine testing on the airfield.
For details and a list of libraries where you can review the complete study document, visit the website. You can request a CD copy by calling 206-787-4944.
Options for submitting formal comments include: Email to, fax to 513-530-2201 or mail to Rob Adams, Landrum & Brown, 11279 Cornell Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45242.
The Part 150 Study comment period, which is also the comment period for the SEPA review for the study, ends on May 30. Feedback gathered at the public meeting and during the comment period will be taken into consideration before a final set of recommended programs is sent to the Port of Seattle Commission for approval this summer.