The “Aluminum Overcast,” the Experimental Aircraft Association’s (EEA) restored B-17 bomber, returned to Boeing Field to offer rides May 25 - Memorial Day. Pictured left is WWII B-17 pilot, Ken Wheeler, 90, of Gig Harbor, with current B-17 pilot, Rick Fernalld, at Paine Field, Everett, before the plane flew down to Seattle for the long weekend. Wheeler, who flew with the 15th Air Force out of Italy, is a docent at the Museum of Flight.
The “Aluminum Overcast,” the Experimental Aircraft Association’s (EEA) restored B-17 bomber, returns to Boeing Field to offer rides Saturday, May 25 through Monday, Memorial Day. People can book flights at the Museum of Flight.
Pictured left is WWII B-17 pilot, Ken Wheeler, 90, of Gig Harbor, with current B-17 pilot, Rick Fernalld, at Paine Field, Everett, before the plane flew down to Seattle for the long weekend. Wheeler, who flew with the 15th Air Force out of Italy, is a docent at the Museum of Flight. If you see him, he might tell you about the time three of his four engines failed and he and his crew bailed with parachutes over Croatia. He landed in a tree, cut himself down, and escaped.