2014 bond considered to replace more schools
Mon, 06/10/2013
News release:
With construction completed on 14 schools resulting from bonds approved by voters, the Highline School Board is considering a bond next spring to continue replacing aging schools.
The 2002 and 2006 bonds paid to replace 10 elementary schools and one high school. Replacement of three additional elementary schools was funded through state match and the district's good stewardship of capital dollars.
Aviation High Schools is being completed this summer with funding through a public/private partnership that includes significant support from aviation businesses and the Port of Seattle.
While all but one elementary school are now in good shape, most of the district's secondary schools are in need of significant improvements or replacement. In many cases, replacing the building is more cost-effective than renovation.
At a recent study session, the school board discussed the possibility of putting a bond before voters in 2014. The community will be asked for feedback in the coming months.
The board will decide early this fall whether to run a bond and what specific projects would be in it.