LETTER: I request you deny this application!
Mon, 07/08/2013
(Editor’s Note: This letter was sent to the city of Burien with a copy to the Highline Times.)
I wish to go on record and state in the firmest possible way my opposition to this application because I believe is not a responsible way to develop this property for another Wall Street, big box, national commercial interest such a CVS Pharmacy. I request you deny this application!
What is City Hall’s vision for Burien? Is it preserving the character of the Burien community and service to the neighborhood, or selling out to Wall Street and commercial interests over a historical building in Burien when there are so many empty buildings in Burien that could be redesigned – even for a drive-thru? Or is the vision to diminish the character of Burien into a California or Highway 99 strip mall?
Why was no notice posted on 160th, (the address on the application); however that is convenient for the owner/applicants of that parcel because none of the traffic coming off Sylvester Road or from Gregory Heights towards 5 Corners will see the notice – many of which stop right in front of that property for the signal at 5 Corners.
Why the short comment period? This being the 4th of July when many, many residents are vacating – isn’t it again clear the intent was to ram it through as quietly and as unnoticeable as possible. Why?
It is obvious the CVS Pharmacy is designed to draw people from a broader area than Burien, in addition to capturing the traffic from Three Tree Point, Normandy Park and Gregory Heights – all coming together at 5 Corners. Five Corners is just that – 5 corners and not a “pedestrian friendly” area. This proposal would extend the footprint of the already high-traffic, retail outlet by Trader Joes.
My husband and I grew up in Burien and graduated from Highline High School. Over the years we have been saddened by the downward spiral Burien is taking. We understand people are moving out of Burien and fewer students are graduating from Highline HS. We have friends and relatives still living in the Burien area, so visit it often. Burien has so many empty buildings currently – new, never occupied, and older ones now vacated due to cost prohibitive rents – that could be converted and used for this project and to even accommodate the drive thru. The empty condos with the bottom retail complex in the middle of Burien are very sad. Burien has the potential of a Sumner, Puyallup or Lynden.
Bonnie West-Armstrong
Federal Way