LETTER: For Andy MacDonald
Mon, 10/07/2013
Dear Business Owner/Donation Coordinator,
We are contacting you on behalf of the Andy MacDonald Fire Services Scholarship. Set up by his family and friends, the scholarship was created in 2008 in loving memory of Andy MacDonald. Andy was a volunteer firefighter who, at age 19, tragically lost his life in the 2006 flooding of the Cowlitz River.
We honor his devoted aspirations of becoming a firefighter and his commitment to helping those around him by encouraging continued education in the fire service. Each November, we hold a fundraiser benefit to raise money for the scholarship. Last year more than 250 people attended and we raised $9,000.
The scholarship is set up with the Puget Sound Skills Center (PSSC) in the Highline School District, where Andy began his firefighting training. The scholarship assists cadets in the PSSC Fire Services program by offering scholarships to colleges or trade schools to continue their fire service education. To date, we have awarded approximately 16 cadets with the scholarship.
The event includes dinner, a raffle and a silent auction, and consists of items donated from local businesses and personal items that Andy’s family and friends contribute. This year, the Andy Mac is Love Benefit will be held on Sunday, November 24, 2013 starting at 2:00pm at the Cove in Normandy Park.
Any type of donation to the fundraiser would be greatly appreciated.
We hope you will join in our efforts to help the cadets in Andy’s memory.
The Andy Mac is Love Committee
To contribute items to the Andy Mac is Love Benefit or to the Andy MacDonald Fire Services Scholarship, please contact:
Becky MacDonald @ beckym@lynden.com, Jessica Miskell @ Jessica.miskell@gmail.com,
Brittani Jenkins @ Brittaninjenkins@hotmail.com
Address for mailing donations:
Becky MacDonald
809 SW 168th Place
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(Please make checks payable to “Andy MacDonald Fire Services Scholarship”)
Visit us on Facebook - “Andy Mac is Love”