LETTER: Excellent letter
Mon, 10/07/2013
To the editor:
In the 9/13 issue of this paper, an absolutely excellent letter was sent in by Lee Ryan on the subject of abortion, to which a couple of readers, took offense... too bad. Uncle Joe Stalin said, "America is a healthy body and its resistance is 3 fold… Patriotism, Morality & Spirituality. If we can undermine these three, America will collapse from within…" Reader Jacquelyn Vail wants to be left alone and basically so does reader Linda Maki and David Cook all spiriting the usual progressive line that those they disagree with should shut up..I would ask them and all others progressives just what has "your side" been doing for the last 30-40 years in shoving the gay agenda, abortion, climate warming/cooling change, environmentalism / plastic bag bans etc down everyone's throat?? Sixty Million babies have been murdered and President Obama has his hand in his…he asks God to bless Planned Parenthood while at the same time the Democratic Party wants to remove God from their platform, while at the same time PP gets sued by the Gov't for millions of dollars in Medicare fraud and thankfully is having to close down clinics nationwide and some construction companies will not work on building new ones...good for them.Thanks to this paper for printing all views which you basically will not find in the Seattle Time.. I've tried!!
Phil Stanat