Local author writes book
Mon, 10/14/2013
Another book on marriage might normally be viewed with a yawn. But 2013 has not been a normal year. Marriage Reconsidered comes in the midst of a year that has seen an avalanche of new marriage laws in the United States which have vastly broadened social options for this institution. People are being challenged, especially in the church, to re-examine their Biblical foundations.
The author of this new book is John William Lee, who asserts that evolving marriage definitions undermine basic Bible reading and comprehension. He shows that Scripture frequently compares God’s love for his people to a husband’s love for his wife. When this kind of love is maintained as a foundation for human community, it provides solid ground on which to build. When it is undercut, as Lee suggests current social trends are doing, the floundering will intensify.
The Introduction of the book proposes basic interpretive principles that are often overlooked, including historical and literary, as well as theological. The chapters then proceed to lay out a simple groundwork for a Biblical understanding of marriage, several key arenas in which we are adrift, and proposed solutions based on the gospel.
Lee has served as a Lutheran pastor for thirty years in Washington State and Montana, and is currently serving a congregation in North Dakota. He is married and has two children and five grandchildren. Published by Xulon Press, the book is also available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and these e-reader formats: Amazon.com-Kindle, Barnes & Noble-Nook, and Apple iBooks.