LETTER: Ex SeaTac Mayor Peels Back the Onion on Prop 1
Mon, 10/21/2013
to the editor:
As the ex-Mayor and Deputy Mayor for three terms in the city of SeaTac, my perspective to Prop 1 is diverse. If it passes it will only bolster the union leaders and their political allies at the expense of many, especially some union members that will surely be out of work.
Rather than rehash the pros and cons of Prop One, I would like to peel back the onion so more understand the real overtures behind this crusade, as it is only the beginning.
Members are not to blame; it rests entirely on the union leaders and their unscrupulous political allies to win at any cost. Read the WA State Progressive Party by-laws. (2.2 Methods. ) Quote “The Progressive Party may use any and all methods of non-violent social change: direct action, community organizing and education, personal empowerment, issue campaigns, ballot initiatives, and/or electoral campaigns; and their related strategies and tactics.”
Anything to win, breaking the law, defamation, lying, no enforcement, no problem! Unions, Progressives and their sympathizers have systematically, stealthily put local candidates in, and in my case out, of office for years. There’s a common thread; all support the Julia Patterson political machine’s convoluted social engineering experiment for all of South King County. Even questioning the endeavor immediately brings the racist card. Doubling the poverty rate in SeaTac did not just happen; it was created, as were the nonprofits to handle the experimentation.
In the 2011 election campaign a paid army of the “occupiers”, i.e., progressive union goons, were hired to canvas SeaTac telling lies; as “Fisher stole money from the city when Mayor”. My business, reputation, and my stature in the community for 40 years were trashed beyond repair. I am a 27 year retired union member, but was sacrificed by my own union to elect another progressive union puppet.
The Public Disclosure Commission exists to protect voters from unscrupulous electioneering tactics. RCW 42.17.530 prohibits defamation, but will never be enforced as union backed politicos in state government likely direct their budget. Two years after filing a grievance with the Attorney General’s Office I recently received a letter from the (PDC) Director, “we have no reason to believe a material violation of any law had occured”. My prediction for this union coup is a matter of record from my last speech, December 13 2011.
Gene Fisher