WABI’s Walk-n-Talk-with-a-Doc 2014
Fri, 12/27/2013
Number one prescription: “Walk!”
After a season full of holiday celebrations and the start of a new year, you may have vowed to “get back on that exercise program!” Do your New Year’s resolutions include goals like “lose weight” and “get in shape”? Do you wonder how to begin? A gym membership is great, but the answer may be much simpler than that: Walk More.
On Sunday, January 5, 2014, WABI Burien will help you start your year off right by offering a special Walk-n-Talk-with-a-Doc. Dr. Michael Schlitt, Neurosurgeon and Chief of Surgery at Highline Medical Center, will speak to WABI walkers about the health benefits of walking, and will then join us for our walk to continue the conversation on foot. As a frequent walker himself, Dr. Schlitt “walks his talk”. The Doctor and his staff feel that walking is a key to both spinal and general health.
“At least 2/3’s of my post-surgical patients use walking as their primary mode of rehabilitation after surgery. Additionally, most patients referred to consultation actually don’t need surgery; walking is one of our key modalities for getting folks back to full function.”
Convinced of the value of walking, Dr. Schlitt will provide a FREE pedometer and a copy of his walking program to each walker attending January’s Walk-n-Talk. Also, there will be tips and tidbits about how and why to integrate more walking into your life. This is a very popular event. In January 2013 there were 61 walkers filling the City Council chambers to hear Dr. Schlitt’s enthusiastic endorsement of walking.
Date: Sunday, January 5 2014 (Rain or shine.)
Time: Meet at 2:00. Talk by Dr. Schlitt starts at 2:15.
Walking starts at about 2:30/2:45 or so. (Time will vary depending on Q&A after Dr. Schlitt’s talk.)
Place: Burien Community Center. 14700 6th Avenue SW, in the Seahurst Banquet Hall.
Who: Walkers of every level and ability
(dogs are welcome).
Distance: About 2 miles, round trip, mostly flat, with some sidewalks.
Route: Our walking route will begin at the Community Center and will make a loop north to Chelsea Park and back. (See map below.)
Intentions for Burien’s Walk-n-Talk:
“Encourage active living to support physical and mental health.”
(Part of Burien’s “Vision”.)
Initiate conversation between friends and neighbors, new and old.
WABI Burien is grateful to Dr. Schlitt for his support of and involvement in our walking program. We also thank Burien Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services for providing our gathering place at the Community Center for this event, and for their continued enthusiasm for WABI’s efforts.
Michael Schlitt, MD
Highline Neurosurgery at Highline Medical Center
16259 Sylvester Rd. SW, Suite 502, Burien, WA 98166
TEL: (206) 838-7065
Burien Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
14700 6th Avenue SW, Burien, WA 98166-1545.
TEL: (206) 988-3700