Environmental Science Center event announcement 3.29.2014
Wed, 02/26/2014
Environmental Science Center announces A Free Workshop On March 29th
Stepping Lightly on the Sound: How Low-Impact Design Can Impact You!
BURIEN, February 26th – The Environmental Science Center (ESC), SvR Design Company, and Sustainable Burien with support from the City of Burien and King County are sponsoring a FREE workshop for the public. Please join us in the Shorewood Room at the Burien Community Center (14700 6th Avenue SW, Burien) on Saturday, March 29, 2014 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm.
Learn how low-impact principals can be applied to the design and maintenance practices of your yard, apartment complex, commercial developments, and public infrastructure. Peg Staeheli, PLA, LEED AP, a principal with SvR Design Company, will provide an overview of low-impact design and how these practices are shifting the way we use our properties to “lighten our footprint” and improve the water quality in our creeks, lakes, and Puget Sound.
Light refreshments will be served.
Please REGISTER: Email programs@envsciencenter.org or call 206.248.4266 to reserve your spot.
For more information visit www.EnvScienceCenter.org