City of Des Moines invites you to an open house April 23rd
Wed, 04/09/2014
The City of Des Moines will host an open house on Wednesday, April 23rd the community to offer input on the Comprehensive Plan Review and Update. The open house will be held from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Des Moines Activity Center, 2045 S. 216th98198. Topics covered at this workshop will include: land use, environment, economic development, and housing.The City of Des Moines is updating its Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the Washington State
Growth Management Act (GMA) governed by RCW 36.70A. Most jurisdictions in the state are required to adopt a comprehensive plan consistent with the GMA and update their plan every eight years. Des Moines will take about one year to complete its review and update which is due to the state in June 2015. Public participation is a key component of the effort to update the Comprehensive Plan.
The citywide Comprehensive Plan promotes community livability and vitality for the long-term and is the basis for the City’s investments, regulations, and many other activities. Although the city’s comprehensive plan and regulations already comply with state law, some parts may be updated to reflect newer requirements.
Anyone who wishes to stay informed about the comprehensive plan review and update as it progresses or would like to receive more information about the upcoming open house should contact Nikole Coleman-Porter at or 206-870-6551.