Normandy Park Arts Festival is June 7-8
Wed, 05/21/2014
The 2014 Normandy Park Arts Festival is coming up June 7-8, and there is still time to get your masterpiece in the show!
I have some exciting news if you're into performance arts! We have a full schedule of performers for the entire weekend.
Public Radio is an accordion and violin duo, think of the Amile` soundtrack. They do some fantastic Pink Floyd covers as well as traditional folk tunes. They play on Saturday at 11.
Normandy Park's very own instructor Amira will be dazzling us wither belly dance troupe at 1:30.
Winding up Saturday is Sold Only As Curio... They have performed at the arts festival before and have been very well received, with their bawdy traditional tunes and fun dance inducing reels.
Sunday we have classical harpist Clara McMichael. She will be playing beautiful music at 1.
Close out Sunday with some really kick-a$$ jazz!!! Steve Kim and Jaques Willis will enthrall you as we wrap up the festival.
See the schedule and all details on our webpages: